Professional Designations
Cavett Award
The Cavett Award is the National Speakers Associationā€™s most cherished award. It is presented annually to the member whose accomplishments over the years have reflected outstanding credibility, respect, honor, and admiration in NSA and the speaking profession, and whose actions (in terms of sharing, guiding and inspiring other members) most closely parallel the illustrious career of NSAā€™s founder, Cavett Robert, CSP, CPAE.
NSA Ohio members who have earned the Cavett Award include:
Mike Frank, CSP, CPAE, Cavett Award
Pat Vivo*, CSP, CPAE, Cavett Award

Council of Peers Award for Excellence (CPAE)
The CPAE is a national award for platform excellence. This award is also known as the Speaker Hall of Fame. Selections are based on nominations made by the current CPAEs and are limited to a maximum of five each year nationally.
NSA Ohio members who have earned the CPAE designation include:
Charles B. Dygert*, PhD, CSP, CPAE
Mike Frank, CSP, CPAE, Cavett Award
Pat Vivo*, CSP, CPAE, Cavett Award
Certified Speaking Professional (CSP)
The CSP is the highest earned designation of professional achievement. It is awarded to those individuals who have completed a comprehensive application process and met the criteria set by NSA. It recognizes a commitment to ongoing education, proven speaking experience, and ethical behavior.
NSA Ohio members who have earned the CSP designation include:
Charles B. Dygert*, PhD, CSP, CPAE
Patrick Donadio, CSP
Kay Frances, CSP
Mike Frank, CSP, CPAE, Cavett Award
Father Bob Hunt*, CSP
Ted Janusz, CSP
Fran Kick, CSP
Father Richard Madden*, CSP
Dr. Johnny Miller, CSP
Peter Margaritis, CSP
Rick Metzger, CSP
Kordell Norton, CSP
Jack Park, CPA, CSP
Jon Petz, CSP
Lisa Ryan, CSP
Phil Sorentino, CSP
Pat Vivo*, CSP, CPAE, Cavett Award
Lillian Zarzar, CSP
Merle Heckman
* Deceased